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What is E1B1?

Each One Bring One (E1B1) is an evangelistic programme built around meals, with an after-dinner speaker, which you cannot attend if you don’t bring a non-Christian friend with you! Watch the video below for an overview of the programme, then learn more about how you can run your own E1B1 programme.

Run E1B1

Running a E1B1 course could not be easier. After a simple introduction on E1B1 principles you will be given all the training and resources you will need to run a successful E1B1 in your church.

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Find a course

E1B1 has been successfully running in local churches across Europe and USA. Find a course near you or run your own.

See Courses

Each One Bring One runs over six interactive sessions which will help and equip you to prepare 2 share your faith and reach out to those who don’t yet know Christ.

1. The Commission

This session will encourage, equip and remind you to put the “go” back in your Christian witness. This session reminds us about the need, that we are sent as Christians, to share the Good News of the Gospel.

2. Barriers

​All of us face different barriers in life, cultural barriers, credibility barriers and cringe barriers. This session will help you to present the Gospel in a way which will effectively overcome these barriers.

3. Communication

All of us are communicating something through our non-verbal communication. This session will teach you four elements to communication: the message, the messenger, receiving the message, and responding to the message.

4. How To Prepare

Are you ready to prepare 2 share your faith? This session will teach you how to effectively share your testimony and to do it in three minutes!

5. Knowing The Message

​Every believer needs to know the message of the Gospel otherwise we have no message to share. This session will remind us of the key components of the Good News of the Gospel.

6. Personal Involvement

​Too many of us are spectators in the Christian life. This session of personal involvement will challenge you to get involved in the lifestyle of sharing your faith with others.

What are people saying about E1B1?

Paul Griffiths

Director, Christian Heritage Edinburgh

Jason Custer

Gospel Apprentice, The Heralds Trust

Fiona McDonald

Director of National Ministries,
Scottish Bible Society

Craig Dyer

Training Director for Christianity Explored

Mark Donaldson

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